Shoe Fashion
If you’re going out, you have to have the right shoes to complete your outfit. This celebrity went for some really decorated sandals to finish off this modeled look.

Instead of fishing down the exact pair, this Instagram user, Emanuele Ferrari, was determined to make his own pair with things he already had around the house. In the end, it made for a hilarious rendition that wasn’t too far off.
Looks and Rides
When you’re going to a shoot to show off your outfit, you need the right scenery. For this model, that meant getting the right ride.

As for comedian Celeste Barber, she was ready with a ride of her own. We can guess that she probably saved money on this shoot using the toy car in question. It adds a lot of personality to the look, we have to say.
All in the Wig
When you want to imitate a celebrity’s look, you might want to put more into it than just the outfit. For instance, maybe you want their hairstyle too.

If you don’t have enough hair for it or don’t want to make a trip to the salon, a wig is a great way to temporarily have the look you want. What if you don’t have a wig? That’s one thing that this creator knew he had the answer to.
Funny Faces
You don’t have to smile for every picture you share. Sometimes, you want to show off a bit of variety on your Instagram feed.

After Khloé Kardashian posted this funny face online, one Instagram user was ready to try the trend out herself. However, it seems like every funny face is a bit unique. We have to say the recreation is funnier than the original celebrity photo here.
It Looks Just the Same
If there’s one thing everyone needs, it’s a little black dress. You can’t go wrong with a long black gown either, though. This model knew that and it convinced this Instagram user to give it a try.

However, they didn’t have a high-fashion gown laying around. What they did have was a roll of trash bags and an imagination. The results are hilarious and pretty spot-on.
A Toast!
Celebrity outfits are often pushing the limits of what you think of when it comes to fashion. Most people veer away from shards of glass as a dress.

On the red carpet, though, it’s a great way to attract attention – as Shakira shows off here. The recreation on the right might not look as exact as the photo on the left but it’s still hilariously accurate and also a great way to sneak a few toasty snacks on the red carpet.
Red as a Tomato
When you’re creating red carpet couture in your kitchen, you have to use what you’ve got. This means you have to get a bit creative from time to time.

This red number that Blake Lively debuted happened to be as shiny as a cherry tomato. Luckily, that’s exactly what this Instagram user had laying around when they were putting this lookalike outfit together. Altogether, it’s not a bad parody of Lively’s detailed dress.
A Good Belted Dress
Back in the early 2000s, there were few outfits that weren’t complete without a thick belt, even if they served no functional purpose.

This outfit was ready to bring the trend into the new age. It’s pretty brilliant to break up white lace with a futuristic, metallic belt. If you’re in a pinch and need a look for a party, though, a few doilies and some duct tape might help.
Stunning in Silver
Speaking of futuristic silver, there’s not just one outfit that’s used it over the years. This is another example of a way to use silver in fashion.

In this look, the use of silver and fun shapes helps the dress stand out. It also makes it easy to make the jump to tin foil and takeout dishes to make a new version. They even remembered to accessorize the shoes or, in this case, socks.
A Realistic Look
If you look on Instagram, you can find plenty of celebrities and influencers sharing how they look “first thing in the morning.”

When you look at these pictures for more than a second, though, you might notice that these famous faces tend to wake up as airbrushed and styled as when they get ready to face the cameras throughout the day. This parody is a lot more honest.
Same Effect
There’s a chance that if you take the same picture as a celebrity without any editing, you might not look as glamorous as your inspiration.

After all, this photo is pretty airbrushed and the body type this model has isn’t average. That’s okay, if you don’t have a six-pack, a turtle is a great substitute. Not to mention, everyone loves photographing their pets!
We Can See the Inspiration
We have to say, the model in the first photo looks pretty glamorous. Still, her environment raises some questions.

This Instagram user had a real point when they realized that it looked like she was posing in a giant bathtub. Without a massive tub at their disposal, they had to make do with a tub that at least looks a little deeper than average, although she still looks unimpressed.
Toilet Paper Fashion
You can find a bit of artistic inspiration in just about anything, and this person didn’t have to look any further than their hall closet.

Once he had his supplies, what was he supposed to do with them? Well, it seems like he got an idea from flipping through Cardi B’s latest looks. Plus, the toilet paper rolls really made up for the shape of the dress she wore.
Saving Time
It seems like a celebrity photoshoot can feature almost anything as a prop. In this one, Ruby Rose was shaving their arms, of all activities.

In the parody, the pose with the shaving razor and matching outfits is only part of what makes this so comedic. Really, one of the best things about this troll of a celebrity outfit is the shortcut she took on Rose’s iconic tattoos.
Making Do
Celebrities have the chance to invest a lot into their looks. The average person can’t pull out huge jewelry pieces and a crown like Rihanna can.

This woman found a way to make it work, though. All it took was a little bit of plastic jewelry and a black marker for the ring. The glasses are a pretty nice touch in place of the headphones as well, and it’s all definitely enough to make us laugh.
Ready for the Oscars
Maggie Gyllenhaal is no stranger to events like the Oscars. This gown she sported one year definitely had a memorable look to it.

As beautiful as it is, we can see how it’d be easy to see a chance to parody the distinct dress shape and pieces of gold foil. All in all, this parody is clear but it’s not too far off from the original either!
Finding the Florist
A black romper is a great piece to have in your closet. Alone, it might not be enough to stand out on the runway, though.

When Cate Blanchett wanted to rock a black romper, she spiced it up with a bouquet to, quite literally, top it off. Given that she had a black romper of her own and access to a florist, the parody here was clear. This parody outfit doesn’t look quite as comfortable as Blanchett’s look.
We’ve All Seen This One
This isn’t necessarily a specific famous picture on its own. However, the pose is definitely iconic – if not cliche – on Instagram. This person wanted to recreate the memorable pose with someone they loved quite a bit.

Their pet was at least semi-willing to play along with their antics for the photo, and the pair nailed the parody! We’re not sure the dog can walk far like this, though.
Why Pay for High Fashion?
So far, we’ve learned that a few rolls of toilet paper can look a bit more high-fashion than you might expect. Well, at least in the right hands, they can look like parodies from a fashion magazine.

The top here is pretty specific but he managed to get the gist of it, without much trouble, using only one roll of toilet paper. But then, you have to keep the setting, of course.
Accessories Are Key
If you choose the best clothes possible for an outfit, that’s only part of the concept. This person had the hair down to boot!

That’s not really what makes this parody so hilarious, is it? While Emma Watson’s bow works with the simple shirt, standing out on its own, the parody version is a bit more comedic. A hairdryer seems a bit harder to keep in place.
Anything for the Fans
The spiderweb-like bodice on this dress is easily meant to be the focal point of this dress. So, of course, that’s what became the subject of parody.

Thanks to the dress being plain white otherwise, this parody was easy to pull off. As for the intricate designs on her chest, he just grabbed a couple of old desk fans to help him out. They look practically the same, right?
Are Those What We Think They Are?
Runway fashion often has pieces of design that seem impractical or stick out to people. This person noticed something familiar in this particular runway outfit.

The best part is that she only had to run to the bathroom to find the supplies that she needed. Unlike a few other outfits we’ve seen, though, it wasn’t toilet paper she needed. While comedic, we have to say that the pads do create the same effect the original outfit has.
Interesting Inspiration
As we just said, not every runway outfit looks as practical as streetwear. Some of them are more about artistic creativity than actual wearability.

While this may have hit the runway, we’ve yet to see anyone trying this look in the office. Maybe this woman’s take on Instagram will get things off the ground. More likely, she’ll probably bring attention to how odd this silhouette is.
Fashion and a Healthy Snack
This celebrity was dripping in green jewels when someone snapped this picture of them. Finding the exact same jewelry could be a challenge and a bit of an expense.

This Instagram user found a way to get the same look without ever leaving the produce aisle. Much like the toast outfit shown, this jewelry seems like it’d make it easier to keep a healthy snack on hand.
Gaga Would Be Impressed
If there’s one celebrity that’s well-known for her ability to stand out on the red carpet and at awards shows, it’s none other than Lady Gaga.

Her looks can seem nearly unreplicable. That is unless you have an eye for parodies and recreations as this guy does. While it might not be exact, we definitely get a laugh at the idea he’s going for with these kitchen supplies.
We Need a Chicken for This One
There are some photos that just need a prop to bring the whole thing together. If that’s not enough, maybe a co-star would help.

It’s not uncommon to see your favorite celebrity posing with a dog or cat. On the other hand, you don’t usually see quite as many chickens but Beyoncé made it happen. In return, this person made sure their own chicken got in on the action.
Making Ruffles
When you’re designing a showstopper piece in fashion, you can’t forget the effect of texture as well as color and design.

This celebrity was seemingly a fan of ruffles when they stepped onto the red carpet at this event in a fun number. What’s more fun than balloons? It seems like the fan’s brightly colored dress was just as ready for the red carpet, or at least close enough. She doesn’t look quite as pleased with this one, though.
That’s a Lot of Gymnastics
When you want to get the perfect shot, you have to experiment with different poses, and some are definitely harder than others. This model is making this seem like a breeze.

However, it’s a tough balancing act to keep yourself propped up like this. That’s one thing that it seems like this woman learned the hard way when she tried the pose out herself. It’s probably a much more realistic result, though.
After Reading the News
When you want to keep up with current events, grabbing a newspaper is a great way to start. What do you do when you’re done, though?

One designer found inspiration in this and made this dress with newspaper comics printed on some of the fabric. In lieu of this fabric, this Instagram user got his point across by making a paper copy of the same thing. Luckily, newspapers have a lot of pages!
Get the Zucchini!
When you want to stand out on the red carpet, you have to think outside the box. This dress definitely stands out from the standard gown.

As this Instagram user pointed out, you could see a bit of a similarity in the texture of the dress and the vegetables you just dropped into your produce drawer. Luckily, they come with bands around them to turn them into something wearable.
Just Lay’s Down
When you want a shot of you laying in nature, you need to make sure that you choose the right pattern on your clothes. Floral seems to fit pretty well.

It’s not the floral dress that caught the eye of the mind behind this parody, though. Rather, it seems like it was the ruffle on the torso of the dress. He has a point, it does look a bit like a pile of potato chips!
Leaving the Look On
When you get ready for bed each night, you probably have a routine to get ready. However, every once in a while, you’re so tired that you skip it.

Kim Kardashian’s second-day makeup look here is a little more put together than most people who were just too exhausted to take their makeup off. We’re not so sure that it’d stay so well – the parody is probably a bit more realistic.
A Creative Take
There are a lot of things that designers do to make sure their celebrity clients stand out at these huge, photographed events they attend.

One way to stand out is to use an eye-catching material on the red carpet. Cara Delevigne definitely stood out in this dress that seems built for her. While most of us can’t whip up a dress that looks like metal, this person made do.
Kids Joining In
It seems like the adults aren’t the only ones who are great at recreating runway looks with a few things around the house – kids can join in too!

This nine-year-old took to Instagram to parody a few different looks, but this one really stood out. After all, now that it’s been pointed out, we can’t really unsee it. The trash bag and length of turf are pretty spot-on for this dress.
Carrying the Important Stuff
There are some celebrities that manage to make almost every look they wear stand out. Few eyes stray from Rihanna when she’s on the red carpet.

Of course, Rihanna didn’t forget a matching clutch with the gown either. When this person remade the look, they weren’t about to forego their accessories either. With a few apples and a jar of jam, they’re ready for a snack and the paparazzi.
One Man’s Trash
When you need to make an outfit look like the original, it’s all in the details. The same dress can look really different on two different people.

That’s why for this parody, this guy made sure to address the difference in hair. You know what they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Plus, this is probably a bit greener than a synthetic wig, right? Either way, it got a laugh out of us.
Rich in Lettuce
Big ruffles and layers seem to be popular on the red carpet. They also happen to be popular in your local grocery store too.

Since this dress was green, it was no problem to switch things up with a few heads of lettuce. Well, this seems like more than just a few heads of lettuce. We have to wonder exactly how much lettuce this took to recreate. The pot as a handbag is a nice touch.
Well, It’s Accurate
We suppose this a great dress to wear when you need an extra hand for the day. At the very least, it offers an extra glove.

This parody is so close to the original, it only really points out some of the more unique designs in this outfit. Namely, the four extra hands on the skirt and shirt. All in all, they pretty successfully recreated Kylie Jenner’s look.
Just Household Items
This Instagram parody series seems to find a lot of uses for toilet paper. We have to say, we’re impressed with his creative eye.

All in all, he managed to get the same vibe as Paris Hilton’s winter look here. He didn’t even have to call up any famous designers to get his version either. Honestly, he’s managed to nail the pose from the photo too.
All in the Scenery
Fashion and art intersect quite a bit. However, you don’t always see a dress as intricate as the one this celebrity has donned.

As it turns out, even intricate designs can be recreated at home. That is if you’re willing to abandon all practicality and sacrifice the painting on your wall for the photoshoot. It seems like you couldn’t turn around in this copycat outfit, though.
Tom Lenk Joining the Party
If you were a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when it was on, you probably remember Tom Lenk as Andrew. The celebrity isn’t above parodying his peers, though.

There are some celebrities that have such a distinct sense of style that they’re hard to copy. While Celine Dion easily qualifies as one of these iconic famous faces, Lenk does a really good job of creating his rendition of this all-white look.
And Tom Lenk’s Dog!
We’ve all seen that people love to include their dogs in an Instagram post. As it turns out, Tom Lenk is no different!

For this parody look, he made sure to pull his dog into the shoot. Rose Byrne’s look here works well and, we have to say, this pup does a pretty good job of rocking the look too. He’s even wearing the wig like such a good boy!
Modeling the Latest Trends
To be a model, you have to be flexible in the shoots you’re willing to do. Oddly enough, those shots may require some physical flexibility too.

This model surely had to really work to get into this pose. After all, they had to slide through the arm of the chair to pose. Not only is this already difficult, but this Instagram user also didn’t have a chair with quite as much space under the arms.
Not Quite as Fabulous
There are a lot of shots that models get that seem so effortless. Jessica Simpson looks really relaxed in the photo on the left. Maybe that’s because she remembered to roll up the window.

The parody image on the right went for a riskier approach that could give them some natural wind. In fact, it might have given a bit too much wind for such a serene and thoughtful shot.
Falling With Style
There are some shots that aren’t taken as a posed photograph but as an action shot instead. It takes a bit of discipline to not react to falling, though.

Your natural instinct is to catch yourself, or at least react in fear when you feel yourself falling. We can’t blame this person for looking so frightened in their version of the picture!
There are a lot of people who would love to get the latest look a celebrity has debuted. If you can’t, you might be able to create a look inspired by it. With a more ironic take on the idea, these people all took the time to hilariously recreate some iconic celebrity looks that have been showcased over the years.