Anyone who loves making Thai curry knows that there is always a lot of curry paste left over and wonders how to use it up, as it will be a waste to throw it out. The good news is that you don’t have to let it sit in your fridge until it goes bad. There are some very easy and tasty things you can do with it.
What Thai Curry Paste Consists Of
This is a firm favorite when it comes to Thai cuisine. Curry paste is a taste explosion that uses galangal, shallots, chilies, garlic, and cumin. It also usually contains shrimp paste.
Thai curry paste is the definition of versatile, so don’t feel like you’re limited to only making curries with it. Here are two other delicious ways you can use it up.
Add to a Stir Fry
If you’re a fan of making homemade stir-fries, adding a bit of Thai curry paste can take your stir-fry up a notch! Red curry paste is the best option for this, but any curry paste will do.
All you need to do is add the paste to the oil you use to cook your stir-fry. It will add a lot of flavor without a lot of extra effort.
Use it in Rubs and Marinades
If you love grilling, then rub some Thai curry paste on the meat and then cook it. This adds a spicy tang to any meat. If you are grilling chicken, try a red curry paste mix.

Before you cook the meat of choice, mix the paste with some oil and slather it on the meat. Leave this to be absorbed, and then cook. By doing this, the flavor of the paste will be infused into the meat, which adds to the overall taste.