Breakups are never easy – there’s always that lingering feeling of ‘what if’ and maybe even unresolved feelings. It’s always a hard time and people usually slip up and text an ex once in a while. But there are times when you should and times you shouldn’t. You just have to know when it’s appropriate and when you should stop and linger over the thought for a while.

Why Is the Urge There?
The hardest thing about a breakup is when you can’t get the ex out of your head and can’t seem to let go of the relationship. When you truly love someone, it’s difficult to simply say goodbye. That’s why so many people feel the urge to text their ex at random moments. It’s hard not to want to communicate with someone if you’re constantly thinking about them. Know what you need in order to be happy and keep in mind that it’s fine to keep in touch as long as you’re not causing yourself unnecessary pain and rejection from the ex.

When It’s Okay to Text an Ex
Regardless of what the popular opinion may be, there is an appropriate time to communicate with your ex. That time is when you see genuine remorse on their end about having hurt you and when there’s a true chance the two of you might reconcile and get back together. And there’s no amount of time to wait – if you truly feel the moment is right, reach out!

When to Take a Step Back
If the impulse to text an ex appears, you must think about the time in which it’s happening. When there’s a new relationship blooming, it’s not okay to open communication. A lot of people think that a few words might turn up old feelings of love, but that’s not always the case. And when you feel you’re constantly to blame for what went wrong and there’s no chance of that changing – fight the urge and cut off communication!

Ask Questions Before Doing Anything
If you’re on the fence about whether you should reach out to an ex, there are a few questions to ask yourself to help you decide. Be honest and answer them all before taking the step and opening up your phone to start communication.
- What’s the response you’re hoping to get?
- How will another response make you feel?
- How would you feel if the ex doesn’t reply?
- Will you be hurting them by reaching out?
- Is it beneficial for either of you to communicate?

If you want to text an ex, make sure it’s the right step for you. Ask some of the important questions and be honest about the answers. Think about where you are in life and what will happen if you reach out. Know yourself before opening communication!