Sometimes when something is wrong with a relationship, it might mean your partner is cheating on you. Usually, a person has a gut feeling when something of this epic proportion is happening in their relationship, but there are also clear signs that might indicate it. If you’ve become aware of your partner’s new habits, they might mean they are getting involved with someone else, so stay alert for certain specific tell-tales of your partner’s infidelity.

Has the Quality Time Stopped
Usually, a pretty good indicator that someone is cheating on you is the quality of time spent with you. If you notice that your partner has made new friends or is constantly hanging out with their buddies instead of you – that might be a clear sign. If activities you previously enjoyed together are no longer on the table, your partner might be interested in someone else.

Staying Late at Work
If you’re beginning to notice that your partner has been staying out a little too late when out on the town, it might mean trouble for the relationship. Also, look out for their work hours. If they seem to be doing lots of overtime and staying later at work more often, that might mean they’re cheating and having relations with someone else while they’re out so late!

Secretive May Be Equivalent to Cheating
An indication that might make you wonder about your partner’s fidelity might be that they have become more secretive. If you notice their phone is always on them no matter where they go and they have to step away from you to answer a call or text – you might want to start looking more closely at such signs. They may just be talking to someone else and hiding it from you.

The Calendar Is Suddenly Important
If your partner starts being super interested in your day-to-day tasks and plans, that might seem great at first. It might seem like they care about you and want to know what you’re doing. However, there is another side to this. They might be trying to figure out when they can sneak around freely because they’ll know you’re busy at certain times.

People have noticed many behavior changes and signs over time that might mean their partner is cheating on them. There are some you may want to keep an eye out for because they almost always indicate your partner is doing something they shouldn’t in the company of another person who is not you.
Monitor their phone behavior, long work hours, quality time with anyone else but you, and if they’re too interested in your schedule. These and more might be clear indicators of infidelity!