Relationship anxiety is very real and very normal, and it happens more often than one might think. There are many things that may trigger it, but it’s important to figure everything out and try your best to repair things. It will be better in the long run for you and your partner if you can correctly identify the problem in order to remedy it. Here are some ways that anxiety may manifest and how to address it.
Questioning and Too Much Pressure
Sometimes you may find yourself questioning the relationship and feeling overwhelmed from thinking about the future. Or if you feel like you’re not meeting certain expectations, you’ll worry about it.
Perhaps you’re putting too much pressure on yourself, going overboard to constantly please your partner, or trying to read their mind. You shouldn’t spend too much time overanalyzing everything, yet you do it anyway.
Worrying Over Actions and Attachment Issues
Maybe your partner’s actions become worrisome, whether it’s a bad response to a text, flirting, or canceling plans. These things all make you question their intentions.

You may also have attachment issues, constantly thinking that your partner might reject or leave you. That will make you extra clingy, which might actually start to drive them away.
How to Fix the Relationship
Sometimes there’s not even a particular reason that you’re stressing out over things, but if you can figure out the reason for all the worry, there’s a big chance you’ll be able to fix it! Write down what triggers your anxiety. You shouldn’t be under constant stress.

You should also try to stay in the now. Stop worrying about the future. If you’re feeling good with your partner at that moment, keep that good feeling in mind. You can also go to an objective third party. Share your problems with someone licensed to listen and give advice, like a couples therapist.
Try the LOVE Method
Try out the LOVE method, too: learn, observe, voice, and explore. Observe your feelings, talk about them with your partner, and explore ways to make things better. You should also ask yourself if you’re even in a good relationship. Is all the stress and worry worth it? If you’re not with the right person, give the relationship up and move on to something better.

As long as you can figure out what causes your anxiety in a relationship, you should be able to fix it. Just write down everything and figure out what’s best for you!