Probably one of the worst feelings in the world is being betrayed by a lover. Although many people hear about those who have been cheated on, individuals who are referred to as “the other person” are rarely given the opportunity to share their experiences. In some circumstances, those are the people who most deserve to be heard. Being the “other person” isn’t always as straightforward as we would want it to be.
Major Feelings for Him
This woman tells us the story of how she and her partner had such a powerful and intense chemistry that apparently isn’t found very frequently.

However, as it turns out, he also had feelings for another woman — his now-fiancée. She didn’t seem to mind, though, that her man found a mistress for himself.
Once in a Lifetime Connection
This is not exactly your typical ‘boy meets girl’ story. Why? Well, for starters the girl falls in love with a taken boy. Also, he isn’t so much a boy but rather a man, 10 years her senior. Starting to sound juicy, right?

Because of their ‘once-in-a-lifetime connection,’ they justified their affair, and soon after, the man ended up leaving his girlfriend so that they could be together. We’re not sure if this is a happy ending or not!
The Best Friend
This story has a real twist to it. Imagine someone in the bridal party going after the bride or groom… Sounds like an extract from My Best Friend’s Wedding, right? Perhaps this poster is Julia Roberts’ character.

Sadly, the best friend turned lover didn’t get her happily ever after. Instead, she got messed around by the man who told her how he was going to leave his wife for her. But do we feel bad? Not really!
What Goes Around Comes Around
This item features a woman who was just a college student when she became the other woman in a relationship with another student. The man was supposed to be committed to his long-distance fiancee. He claimed to be on a break with her, so she became involved with him.

The next thing she knows, she finds out that he’s still with her. Despite that shocking revelation, she decided to stay. Until unfortunately he cheated on her with another person. Leopards don’t change their spots!
Something Special
This woman began an affair with an older married student whose wife lived in another city. The man-made her feel special which led to the start of their intimacy. Though, this man seemed to be economical with the truth.

This went on for about a year until she contracted an infection from him. That is when she found out that she was in fact one of four women he was seeing at the time.
An Intense Connection
This woman met her affair partner at college. When they first met, she immediately felt a strong connection and they began a relationship. Though, a few days later a mutual acquaintance informed her that he had a girlfriend.

Even after confronting him, she decided to stay and ignore her better judgment. In the end, they broke up after graduation but remained close friends. Not such a bad ending to a weird love story!
A Restaurant Romance
This woman got into a relationship with the manager from the restaurant she worked in as a young adult. He used to wear a wedding ring to work, so she knew he had a wife, yet that didn’t stop things from escalating.

They began an illicit affair, and he told her that he and his wife were no longer together. That turned out to be a lie as she then saw them together at their place of work, a.k.a the restaurant.
The Unnamed Blog Character
This story occurred in the mid-2000s when social media was still not as big as it is now. This college woman met this incredible guy who treated her as if she were the most significant person in his life. After a cyberstalk, things took a turn for the worse.

She discovered that he had actually been dating this woman who he referred to as his “coworker.” This same woman had a MySpace page that revealed this messy love triangle.
A One-Sided Affair
This next woman tells the story of how she ended up in a one-sided affair that required her to put in all the effort. According to her, he was the full package, except of course for the fact that he was married.

He eventually convinced her that the marriage was over in all but paper. So she gave in. The affair lasted for as long as she was the one willing to compromise. Sounds like he held all the power in this dynamic!
From the Other Woman to the Girlfriend
We hear from a woman who started off as the other woman yet over time became the main significance. The man in question had just moved to California from their hometown. They met while at work and soon became really good friends.

She developed romantic feelings for him, as he had forgotten to mention he was not single. He later approached the woman with intentions to start a relationship. That is when the affair began and ended up becoming legitimate.
Becoming the Side Chick
This next story makes us sad because this woman didn’t respect her self-worth enough. She allowed herself to be “the side chick” because she believed that it was better than nothing.

So, the moral of the story here is simply to remember to love yourself. If you cannot do that, it’s really difficult to expect others to do the same. We know it’s easier said than done, but still!
Infidels to Lovers
These two people started a relationship despite both being taken. They went on to date for a year while still being involved in their other romances. Then, the girl left her fiancé to be with her affair partner.

Unfortunately, though, he didn’t do the same. While this must have been hard for her, we can’t say we feel too bad. It’s never good to start a relationship out this way. Don’t you agree?
Meant to Be
This relationship didn’t start out on the best of terms. For starters, she was his boss. Not only that but he was also married with a kid. Though, despite these obstacles, their relationship seemed to prosper.

After his wife found out about their affair, his marriage ended and their relationship turned into his second marriage. They even got their happily ever after. Perhaps their relationship really was meant to be.
An Adrenaline Rush
The fear of getting caught making out on the job seemed to be exciting to these two partners. But what the woman never realized was that the man was still very much married.

She was out to lunch with a friend when she got a call from his wife telling her to back off. Can you imagine how awkward this conversation must have been? We wish we were flies on the wall for it!
Not Your Only Match
This woman joined a dating app after being cheated on by her boyfriend of four years. Her Bumble match seemed great and all was going well until she discovered he had another match – his girlfriend of three years.

Not only did he lie to this woman but he also lied to his girlfriend as he said they “only kissed.” Sucks that such a seemingly nice guy can also be such a liar.
Behind Closed Doors
This woman soon discovered that her office crush was also in an unhappy relationship. He was being abused by his wife, while she had recently dumped her unkind boyfriend.

Though we’re not sure if their relationship ever became physical, it was definitely emotionally charged. So much so that when his wife caught them texting, he had to end all communication. Sounds like an affair to us!
Found Her Soulmate
This woman tells us the story of how she met her current husband while he was actively dating someone else. She talks about how they tried very hard to remain platonic when they first met.

However, they fell madly in love and so much so that the man left his girlfriend of seven years without any hesitation. They began living together and soon after they moved out of their country to live in Italy. Despite the fact that she knows what they did was wrong, she claims to have no regrets.
Needs Come First
These two people started an affair as a purely physical experiment. Though, it appears that they do have great chemistry. Despite the fact that the man has been happily married for over 20 years.

They both had great guilt for engaging in this affair but they still continued it for two years. Is that kind of passion worth the punishment of guilt? You tell us what you think. We’re trying to remain impartial.
Valentines Day
Valentines Day is all about love. These two people seemed to be attracted to one another from the start and this led to a night of passion. However, the woman soon discovered he had lied.

While it is very strange to lie about your name, that didn’t stop this man. Though they did get together one more time after that, she never fully trusted him. After all, trust is a key ingredient to any relationship.
Red Flags
This woman thought she had met her match but very soon she realized that there were one too many red flags — from lying about his name, to the fact that he was actually married with kids.

She was devastated to learn that she was indeed a mistress. In this poor woman’s case, she had no idea she had engaged in an affair. We blame Dillon a.k.a Stephen a.ka. the cheater with all the red flags.
Summer Fling
This woman was teaching in another country when she met another foreigner who worked there. He then invited her to join him and his friends for dinner and there was undeniable chemistry right away.

Though, he was also married. They chose to continue seeing each other and kept it a secret for four years. However, once his wife found out about the affair, he chose their marriage over their “heavy fling.”
Wrong Lessons From Therapy
We don’t think it’s fair to blame this woman’s therapist for her starting an affair with another man. What we actually think happened was that she misinterpreted the advice she was given.

While she loves her husband, because he didn’t entirely fulfill her needs, she enlisted a friend for help. Her friend was also a taken person. Even though their affair seems to be just physical, that doesn’t make it okay.
Not Her Responsibility
This woman got into a relationship with a man who was committed to someone else simply because she believed that it was not her problem. According to her, nobody’s relationship is her responsibility.

She claims to realize that this is a controversial viewpoint, but she still believes that it is not her responsibility to ensure that someone remains faithful in a relationship. Having stated that, she claims that she doesn’t look for anyone with a partner to date.
Once a Cheater
The classic saying of “Once a cheater, always a cheater” applies to this next story. This woman went from being this man’s girlfriend to the other woman, without even realizing it.

They had dated, broken up, and then gotten back together. However, when she flew out to visit him, she discovered that he was living with another woman. Though she somehow ended up staying. This guy sounds like a sour character!
The Mistress Joke
This woman found herself a married man online and they started up a relationship that lasted five years. He loved his wife but “needed more” which is where this poster comes into the picture.

They seemed to have a playful relationship/friendship despite the fact that he was happily married. Even after he cut things off, she was still interested in what he was up to. Sounds like she was way more into it!
Unknowingly the Homewrecker
There is nothing worse than being lied to and that is exactly what happened to this woman. Her lover told her he was separated when in actual fact, he wasn’t and she accidentally became a mistress.

While in most scenarios we don’t feel bad for a homewrecker, in this case, we do. The blame here lies entirely on the man who chose to deceive both his wife and mistress. There’s a special place afterlife for folks like this!
Like an Addiction
An affair consumes one’s entire life. It can take up all your thoughts and become an unhealthy addiction. Both the people in this next post were miserable in their marriages and looking for an escape.

While they felt guilty, it didn’t stop them from pursuing their relationship. There were also children involved, which only made the situation harder and more complicated. Moral of the story? Rather end your marriage first.
Another Successful Affair Story
The way this woman puts it, people sometimes choose the incorrect person and this can negatively affect their lives. At the same time, what happens if you then meet the right person?

Well, in this woman’s case, she decided to pursue the relationship because she believed he was her “soulmate.” She knows it wasn’t necessarily “the right way” but she has doesn’t seem to have regrets for following her heart.
No One Likes You
Is disliking someone a valid reason to get involved with their boyfriend? We believe the answer is no. Yet that is exactly what happened in this case after this woman was recovering from a bad breakup.

They became involved and continued to have an affair for years until he moved in with his girlfriend which put a damper on things. Seems strange to us that the fact he had a girlfriend bothered her.
He Made Her Feel Loved
These two star-crossed lovers met at a community college class together. The woman knew the man had a girlfriend, but that didn’t stop her crush from going away. The flirtation soon began and then one day, they kissed.

In that moment, she became the other woman. However, it sounds like nothing much occurred after that. With that being said, it is still cheating and emotional cheating is just as bad.
Finding Out About Wifey
While attending school in a small town, this woman befriended a coworker. They flirted a little bit and after he told her a whole sob story about his life, they started dating.

They were together for almost six months when one day she discovered text messages from WIFEY. What a plot twist! All the times she thought his mother was watching the baby, it was actually his wife. Poor woman.
Friends With Benefits
This woman was separated from her husband and was close friends with a co-worker she knew had a fiancee. They would hang out and text all the time. Things then took a turn when they kissed.

They even tried to make a relationship out of it. But in the end, their spark went out and he called it quits before she could. Sometimes these passionate bonds are intense but not long-lasting.
No Longer Forbidden Love
This woman was seduced by a guy at the gym even though he was a taken man. They started out as gym buddies but things quickly and organically turned romantic.

It gave her a lot of confidence. However, as the weeks progressed into months, then into a year, her sense of self-worth plummeted. She started feeling as if she was only meant to be used and not loved. This relationship sounds anything but healthy!
Electric Feeling
This relationship all began with this woman taking care of a special needs dog. Though he was in a relationship, it was a miserable one and one night at a block party, they both felt this electric feeling.

In the end, things worked out because he left his girlfriend to be with this woman. They even moved in together and got their happily ever after despite the messy start. Perhaps things really aren’t so black and white in life.
Coming Clean
This woman found out that she was the other woman via Instagram. While her guy didn’t have a lot of Instagram followers, his most recent photo had just one comment from a girl who he claimed was his ex.

She initially trusted him but after a couple of months, he started making up strange excuses for not being able to hang out. Sure enough, he lied and was two-timing her. Sounds like she dodged a bullet not being with him!
Old Habits
This next one is super interesting! This woman’s husband cheated on her and then after they got divorced, she become the other woman by engaging in an affair with him. This story reminds us of the rom-com It’s Complicated. Don’t you agree?

Sadly, his old habits came into play and he never ended up leaving his girlfriend like he said he would. Things went even more downhill after the two of them began a nasty custody battle in court over their children.
Other Man Here
This man recalls the irony of his love life. He vowed to never cheat, as that’s what ended his marriage but sure enough, he became the other man. Moral of the story here — never say never!

Even though he was in an unhappy marriage for over 17 years, he didn’t cheat on his wife. However, one could argue that being complicit in an affair is just as bad. What are our thoughts on this drama? Good enough for TV?
Meeting in Secret
This story came from a man who was having an affair with someone whose own boyfriend was also actively cheating on them. So, as it turns out, it was a vicious cycle. Also, if everyone is cheating, does that still make it okay?

We’re on the fence with this one. Open relationships aren’t for everyone. However, we are desperately trying to not judge as until you’ve walked in someone else’s shoes, you don’t know the full story. Can we all agree on that?
Getting Parents Involved
You have to get suspicious if your guy puts his phone on airplane mode every time he is with you. This isn’t even the most suspicious part of this next affair story. Keep reading if you want to find out what!

The wife actually knew about her husband’s extramarital activities and one day she decided to do something about it. So, she decided to mail a family photo of him with her and their two children to the poster’s parents’ house. Awks much?
Just Friends
It sounds like this woman was looking more for a friend than anything else. However, a kiss can blur the lines between friends and friends with benefits. Yet, before you get too excited, we warn you that there’s no great love story here.

It also sounds like this guy was a lot more into this woman. He made several attempts at showing his love from breaking up with his girlfriend to telling her that he loved her.
A Cycle of Cheating
This man knew he was the other man, but he was also very young so it did not matter to him as much as it should have. He knew her three children and had even met the husband and spent some time with him. Pretty crazy, right?

She told him that she did not love her husband as he had cheated on her in their marriage. However, it turned out she was the one with a habit of infidelity.
Out of My League
This man started an affair with a woman who was married to one of his closest friends. She and her husband had gotten married at a very young age and this complicated and blurred the lines of their relationship.

Due to her insecurities from her marriage, she confided in her husband’s friend and that is how their illicit affair began. While cheating shouldn’t be justified, everyone has their reasons for embarking in something ‘wrong.’
Only Dated Married Men
This woman was actively the other woman in the lives of countless men because she believed no single man was worth dating. Turns out this is a common thought process in many young women. They may have low self-esteem and think that they are unattractive to better-suited mates.

Some people are afraid of commitment, so they choose someone who is out of reach so they won’t be rejected if the relationship fails. Inherently, married men are less demanding than single guys.
The Tiger’s Stripes
This woman had no idea that her boyfriend had a girlfriend of seven years who was living with him. Once she found out, she felt so disrespectful and hopeless. She decided to dump him after asking him flat out if he had a girlfriend.

In the end she took him back and they even got engaged. However, he then cheated on her which truthfully isn’t much of a surprise. Seems as though this guy is better off living the single life.
Support System
This feels like one of those stories where both the people involved in the affair are just looking for someone to blame other than themselves. According to this woman, who shared her experience of being the other woman, he had had enough of his girlfriend.

What this man’s girlfriend didn’t give her, this woman did. She provided him with the support he needed to feel as though he could chase his dreams. Sometimes all people really need is a shoulder to cry on.