Millennials are constantly coming up with new trends and labels for everything happening in their lives, and dating is no different. There are so many terms today that it’s hard to keep track of or remember which one means what exactly. And there is a new one in town that could be the worst thing that could happen to you yet – frog-ization! Don’t let it happen to you!

Frog-Ization Might Be the Worst
In today’s world, it’s difficult to manage to date among everything else, and there are many terms to describe one person not feeling the same as you – not feeling the love, as it were. However, this new term that millennials have come up with might be the worst because you might not even realize it’s happening to you.

The List Is Jam-Packed
The terms might be more than a few, so you’d probably need a piece of paper to write them down and memorize what each one means. There is ghosting, getting zombied, having beige and red flags, having the ick – it’s a long list for sure. But frog-ization is the worst because, in Japanese, it literally means ‘turning into a frog.’ It’s the term that explains how a person instantly gets unattractive just because they start liking you.

The Prince Turns Into a Frog
This is a little spin on the original fairytale where a frog turns into a prince after the princess kisses him. This new term means that as soon as someone starts showing interest in you, they turn into a frog – unattractive. It’s a terrible realization to know that the person you’ve been pursuing is turning into someone you could be less interested in by the minute.

Among all the terms the millennials have come up with to describe the desolation of a relationship or the start of one, frog-ization is put on top of the list as the worst. You don’t know it’s happening to you until it happens, and it’s sad. And all the terms, including that one, are universal, so they can hardly be avoided. Good luck to all!