No matter how perfect a relationship might be, there are still particular things that might irk one of the partners at certain points or even all the time.
And now therapists Georgina Sturmer and Dr Charlotte Whiteley have shared their two cents on what they perceive as being the most important secret hates between couples. Here they are…
Addressing Anger Is an Issue
Couples often talk about those moments when emotions and anger flare and things get heated. At that moment, it’s hard to keep a cool head. But unless you want anger to ruin the relationship—listen and try to work things out in a practical, calm way. Anger is a relationship killer, so keep an eye on this one.
Money Could Be a Big Barrier
It’s a fact that money is a big reason for couples to fight each other. Partners secretly hate that ‘third party’ in their partnerships—namely, money. A person’s thoughts and relationship with money often frustrate the other very much!

Georgina Sturmer says people should have an open discussion about cash and take a look at how they could tweak their habits—financial compatibility is key.
Partners Secretly Hate Prior Friendships
Prior friendship groups are a big part of a new relationship. You can either like your partner’s friend or not, but either way—it could become a problem.
Communicate with your significant other if you like or dislike their friends or how the person acts when around them. Save your relationship that way!
Love Language Can Become a Problem
People have different ways of expressing their feelings through love language. However, you might not be making it clear enough how you feel. No one can read minds. Be clear about your feelings.

Make sure your partner knows what your love language is saying. Sturmer reminds us that nobody is a mind-reader, so being communicative is essential to building and retaining trust. Learn how to discuss your feelings openly with your partner. People hate when there are feelings left unresolved or when they feel their significant other simply isn’t listening. Explain yourself!
Social Differences Can Mean Trouble
It could be a big problem for couples if they act or feel differently in various social situations. If one is an introvert and the other is much more social – a clash is bound to happen. Partners need to learn to accept that the other person might feel uncomfortable in certain situations and learn to encourage them and make them feel better about everything.

The few things people secretly hate about their partner are easily fixable most of the time. People need to learn to talk to each other and be open about what the other is feeling, it will avoid a lot of trouble further down the line.